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Proof That All Jews Are Rich

"Ben Zoma said, who is wise? He who learns from all people, as it is said: 'From all those who taught me I gained understanding' (Psalms 119:99). Who is strong? He who conquers his evil inclination, as it is said: 'Better is one slow to anger than a strong man, and one who rules over his spirit than a conqueror of a city' (Proverbs 16:32). Who is rich? He who is satisfied with his lot, as it is said: 'When you eat the toil of your hands you are fortunate and it is good for you' (Psalms 128:2).

So now we see that all Jews and in fact, all people are rich or at least have the potential to be rich. It's all in the mindset. If you have gratitude for what you have whether you have 10 cars in the driveway and your 400 room mansion, or if you have a studio apartment and a bicycle, you are rich simply by being thankful for what you have.

So this leaves us with the conclusion that nobody is poor as long as we are grateful for what we have. But you see that this is not the case. There are poor people everywhere; in your country, in your city, and probably on your block, and maybe even you, reading this, may be so poor that you only have a piece of old bread and butter in the fridge.

Yesterday, I personally felt the pain of someone who has very little income, He works as a jack of all trades, taking side jobs fixing things in and around the house. But he told me that because his income fluctuates, one week he can have money and the next week he can walk around not knowing when he's going to get the next meal. And yes, he walks around hungry without a shekel in his pocket. And nobody knows...

This is the case for many Jews in Israel. So many of us, move to Israel with religious ideals, returning to our homeland. In the process we leave stable and very well paying jobs, and move to the Land of Israel to live the dream, willing to struggle and live month by month not knowing how we're going to pay the rent or how we're going to put food on the table for our children.

Tachlit, like many other great charities in Israel, was established over 10 years with the purpose of providing food basics for the poor of Israel. We saw that many people needed assistance and no one was there to give it to them. With love for our brethren, Tachlit was formed and today we feed hundreds of families on a weekly basis. 400 volunteers from all walks of life, come and make food baskets, and through the generous donations of our wonderful donors we are able to buy food staples, fruits, vegetables, and even yummy treats as a plus, something extra to cheer the heart of the many poor of Israel.

So to summarize, when our rabbis said "Who is rich? He who is satisfied with his lot.", they were talking about the mindset one should have for HIMSELF OR HERSELF. But when it comes to others, if we see someone that is poor, we don't tell them"be happy with what you have." At this point, we are given the opportunity to be G-dly and to be G-d's partners in C

reation and help feed the poor. Just like G-d feeds you, you can show gratitude to G-d by paying it forward and bringing joy to a Jew in Israel who is not as fortunate as you are, who longs for the simple things in life, like eating a meal. Can there a greater joy than this?

Open your hearts today and donate to Tachlit and be a partner in Creation with G-d.. Click here to donate:

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