Why Do We Wear Costumes on Purim?
Purim is possibly the most fun holiday of the year and according to our Sages, even holier than Yom Kippur. The name Yom HaKippurim...
How to Fulfill the Mitzvah of Matanot L'evyonim (Gifts to the Poor) CORRECTLY for Purim
As we approach the days of Purim, we begin to study the laws that apply to Purim. There are 4 main mitzvot that apply to Purim. 1) The...
The Top 10 Things I Learned From Volunteering
1. People like to take volunteering selfies. 2. Everyone works as a team. 3. The job gets done when you stay focused on your specific...
What is on your mind?
We want to make this blog interactive so we would like to ask our readers "What do you want to know about Israel or about Jewish life?"...
How To Get Along With Others
Google gives you about 22,700,000 answers to this question. So I want to present an answer from the Jewish view, according to our...
Proof That All Jews Are Rich
"Ben Zoma said, who is wise? He who learns from all people, as it is said: 'From all those who taught me I gained understanding' (Psalms...
How Can I Help Fight the Israel Fires?
We are under attack in what is being called the Arson Intifada. We all love Israel and it pains us to see our Land burning with little...
Why Make Aliyah?
Why is a Jew wiling to leave a comfortable lifestyle, where he lives in a big house, he makes a good living, he owns 2.5 cars and white...