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How Can I Help Fight the Israel Fires?

We are under attack in what is being called the Arson Intifada. We all love Israel and it pains us to see our Land burning with little that we can do. If a bucket of water and a blanket would help, every Jew in Israel would run to help put out the fire but the strong winds and the speed that the fires are spreading make it very difficult to extinguish them. We are stuck having to let the professionals do it and hoping that the terrorists have compassion or at least get distracted with other things and decide to stop lighting new fires.

Is there anything we can do? We can pray. We can ask G-d for mercy. You may ask, what will prayer do? Prayer can help in many ways. Nature is the way that G-d hides in the world. In Hebrew, the Holy Language, the roots of words have meaning in them. The word for world is Olam. Olam means hidden. G-d decides to operate behind the scenes as it were by 'hiding' in nature. He runs and manipulates the world through the laws of nature. He doesn't like to change the laws of nature. Only when necessary does G-d change the laws of nature, like He did at the Splitting of the Sea with Moses, at the Splitting of the Jordan River with Joshua, and there are many examples. Through prayer, G-d can make it that it become less windy (or not windy at all), that the water be more effective or that it rain, that the fire stop spreading so quickly, that the firemen be more efficient, and most importantly, that the terrorists stop making more fires.

If this seems far fetched consider Hurricane Matthew, only 6 weeks ago. The news predicted that this was going to be a national disaster and that there would be deaths and that this was inevitable. The maps of Hurricane Matthew showed that what the meteorologists were saying should not be taken lightly and to prepare for the worst. People from all over the world prayed. And what happened? At the end, the hurricane did almost no damage. It was so weak that people laughed about it. G-d changes nature as He wishes as nature is under His domain and He breaks His own rules as he wishes.

Keep on praying for Israel. Pray for her people. We will survive this. And we will survive worse, G-d forbid.

Just keep the faith and keep the prayers coming!


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